The FREE IPALS sessions are available to immigrants and newcomers to Canada.  IPALS stands for Immigrant Parents as Literacy Supporters.

Parents and caregivers will learn how to best help support their children in their play while learning new skills that encourage their child’s early literacy development to best help prepare them for school.

IPALS is one of Decoda Literacy Solutions programs.  The program helps immigrant and refugee families support their young childnre’s early literacy development through interactions in English and their first language.  Each of the 10 sessions incorporates time for the adults and children to learn activities together and assist the parent in learning new skills while supporting their child’s exploration.

There is more information available on the brochure: IPALS brochure

To register please call: 604-534-7921.  Classes start March 3rd and pre-registration is required.

The IPALS session is generously funded by:

RBC Foundation


Children's Aid Foundation